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10 Tips To Make Your Dog Incredibly Happy

Corgy Dog

10 Tips To Make Your Dog Incredibly Happy

Dogs love you without having to get anything in return. And, who doesn’t love a happy dog running around the house, giving you licks and making a smile on your face so often? But it is important to make an extra effort now and then to make your dog incredibly happy. Here we provide ten tips on how you can do this. Get more tips about dogs on Smart Dog Lover.

Tip 1: Reward them with new toys

Just like children, dogs also like to get a new toy now and then. After all, it happens that after a while they get bored of playing with the same thing. If you don’t have enough toys for him, you can reward him by buying a new toy.

Tip 2: Take your dog out for a walk

No dog does not like to walk. Imagine walking with the person you care about in beautiful weather. Nice isn’t it? Well, that’s how your dog sees the walking experience. Dogs that are stuck in the house all day long are easily bored and unhappy. And did you know that a dog likes to have new experiences outside its door?

Tip 3: Train with him

Dogs learn very quickly. Even though your dog is old enough and knows different commands, you can still train with him. Teach him tricks or go to the dog school to learn an agility course.

Tip 4: Bath your dog now and then

Okay, not every dog likes to take a bath, but by washing it regularly you ensure that it doesn’t get any skin ailments or fleas. And that makes him happy. How often you have to wash a dog depends on breed to breed.

Tip 5: Let your dog be social

Just like people, The dog also needs social contact. Encounters with people and their dogs can provide a boost to your dog’s morale. One of the best places to do this is at a dog school or on a loose meadow nearby. Keep in mind the character of both your dog and the other people present.

Tip 6: Give him good food

A healthy diet is important for every living creature. Many dog owners make the mistake of giving dog grains to their dogs. However, your dog just needs a lot of meat and protein. Nowadays you can also buy fresh meat for your dog ranging from chicken to fish and beef.

Tip 7: Take it to the vet regularly

No matter how well you know your dog, your vet may be able to detect certain ailments with your pet more quickly. Your veterinarian also knows what you give him the best in food, what his ideal weight is and which vaccines he needs.

Tip 8: Go swimming with your dog

Dogs that get older can suffer from their joints. However, it remains just as important for them to have sufficient exercise. An alternative activity for your dog is to go swimming. Nowadays you will find a dog pool somewhere nearby where your dog can do some laps to increase muscle mass.

Tip 9: Build a course for him

Dogs need attention. One of the best activities besides hiking is to sharpen their skills. Dogs like to work with their noses. For example, you can build a trail where your dog must look for rewards. Dog treats are a handy tool to stimulate your dog and are a good reward.

Tip 10: Play along with your dog

Dogs not only like it when they can keep themselves busy, but they also love it when you play with it. Playing actively with your dog not only makes your dog happier, but it strengthens the bond with your four-legged friend even more.

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