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An Aquatic Conundrum – Part 1

or…Things to Consider Before Buying a Pool

When looking for a new home to purchase or build, most folks generally have an idea of what they’re looking for. The most common demands for a house are: number of bedrooms, multiple bathrooms, single family home, and the location. When I pose this question to clients, “Would you prefer to have a pool or not?” I usually get the same answer (rarely has the buyer given this much consideration); the response follows the lines of, “We would prefer one,” or “it’s not a must have, but if it has one…,” and my favorite, “I don’t really care either way.”

How much time do homeowners and home buyers really take to consider this question and what factors should they be looking at when determining if a pool is really right for them? In the following 2-part blog post “An Aquatic Conundrum” I’ll get into the pros and cons of owning a pool and why this is a decision not to be taken lightly.


The first thing to consider when adding a new pool – is budget. The cost of installation and the type of pool make all of the difference in the final bottom line. Will it be an above ground or in-ground pool? Depending on the features, an above ground pool is the least expensive option. While in-ground pools are more costly, they tend to be more customized, creating a more aesthetically pleasing outdoor atmosphere, and therefore the most common type of pool to have.

In-ground pools generally start around the $30,000 range for a good quality modest pool, and can reach into the hundreds of thousands range when you get into your infinity edge or stream style pools. If you’ve decided that a swimming pool is a must for your household, then a budget would be the first topic to bring up with the decision makers during the next upgrade purchase of your home.

When looking to purchase a home with a pool, you need to consider the time and money it will require to buy a home with an existing pool. Since this is classified as a luxury it can bring up not only the cost of the home, but also the cost for maintenance. When clients answer the question of a pool with an indecisive response, I try to remind them of the cost of up keep if they are budgeted for a lower price point.

A Pool Needs More Than Water

You have to consider that there is more involved than just ensuring your pool stays full of water, but also the chemicals involved in keeping the pool sanitary, and also the electric costs to keep the filter and vacuum running for self-cleaning. Salt water versus chlorinated pools is another consideration, and each require very different cleaning and upkeep. Also, you need to consider the age of the pool included with your home. What is the condition of the liner or concrete and filtering system – when was it last replaced?

Please make sure you do some research at your local pool supply store to understand what is involved to ensure you have a clean and healthy pool with the type of supplies needed to maintain it. There are also pool companies who offer a complete maintenance service with cleaning and necessary chemicals, but this too comes with a price. These are the financial aspects to look at when considering adding a man-made aquatic lifestyle into your back yard.


When determining that you want take on the responsibility of a pool, you must also look at the location. I’m not just referring to the size of the yard versus the size of the pool, there are other factors involved. Two very important questions to ask your realtor or your builder:

  1. Is the home is in a sinkhole zone?
  2. How high is the water table in your area?

Knowing that the pool you have in the ground is fit to withstand the elements should be a key component in your decision making process. That being said, size is a huge factor as well and should not be disregarded so easily. You want to make sure that your yard is still going to be functional once the pool is installed. When I say functional, we know that this luxury item isn’t there to just sit and look pretty. You are going to have cook outs, friends and family over, and your tropical backyard get-away needs to be able to accommodate your needs.

You may also want to take into account the addition of a deck or patio and some landscaping to give it that feeling of paradise. These improvements are going to be evaluated on budget and space. Make sure you will be/are happy with the location of your pool – if it isn’t as functional as you once thought, you still must maintain it in order to prevent more costly issues down the road.

Hopefully the above points have got you thinking about how much pool you can afford to build, or maintain, whether the location is functional and makes sense for your lifestyle. In An Aquatic Conundrum – Part 2, I’ll be discussing choosing the right type of pool for your needs, extras to consider, and the potential value that this investment will add to your home.

If you have questions about how a pool can effect your home investment, or would like to tour some Sarasota homes with pools, please don’t hesitate to Contact us at 941.284.4474 or Toll free 941.404.4737. One of our qualified agents will gladly get back to you.

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