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How to Create a Relaxing Outdoor Retreat with Feng Shui Principles

Designing a backyard oasis is all about getting every detail just right. From the placement of outdoor furniture to the sound of a wind chime, you can use the principles of Feng Shui to design a relaxing outdoor retreat. 

What is Feng Shui?

Feng shui (pronounced “fuhng shway”) is the ancient Chinese art form of arranging objects and utilizing space to achieve balance. The direct traditional Chinese translation is “wind-water.” The goal is to obtain strong “chi,” the vital life energy that flows inside us. It flows through all living things, even the weather and earthly objects. Maintaining a balanced chi flow is necessary for well-being and a prosperous household. 

Five elements are used in Feng Shui – water, earth, metal, wood, and fire. Together, they create harmony between our world and the natural world.


Water represents flexibility and purity. Incorporate clean and moving water for flowing energy with trickling waterfalls.


Earth represents stability, grounding, growth, and strength. This is the soil, rocks, and plants that compose your yard’s ecosystem. It is the foundation of your home’s flow and energy.


Metal represents clarity, self-reflection, organization, and productivity. Metallic colors and noises add a vibrant energy. Silver wind chimes are a perfect addition to your outdoor space and a mirror reflects light and encourages the flow of energy and reflection.


Wood represents growth, health, and vitality. Take inspiration from the living things around you to attract that energy with your decor. You can do this by incorporating wooden elements like bamboo or wicker furniture and green-colored decor to connect to Earth. 


Fire represents passion, energy, and joy. Add warm energy to spaces with lights, candles, and red colors. Be careful with this element though –– a little goes a long way. Too much can bring about anger or aggression.

Blueprint with Bagua Map

When designing your outdoor escape with Feng Shui, reference the Bagua Map. The Feng Shui Bagua divides space into nine parts, with each section representing a different trait. The idea is to ensure your home has all sections represented. Traditional bagua maps use a compass to divide a yard into parts based on direction, while the nine-grid approach can make it easier to visualize.

Take a clear and wide picture of your yard to capture every inch. Draw a tic tac toe-like grid. If you’re standing at the threshold facing south outside, would every corner of your yard be represented on the Bagua map? Make up for a missing section by incorporating elements from that square elsewhere. Is the northeast corner of your yard missing? Add blue flowers to symbolize water and the earth which aids in gaining wisdom for self-cultivation. Including those missing elements of Feng Shui in your yard will create a stronger energy flow.

Don’t be afraid to think big and create a Bagua map for your entire property. This will ensure all sections are represented since you have a much larger space to work with. If the front and center of your yard represent career, your porch should include elements of water and black accents. As energy flows through your house from the porch entrance to the back, a few red throw pillows will be a warm greeting on the deck. The fire element also can represent fame and these bright colors will liven up parties. 

Center the principles of Yin and Yang in your mapping. Yin is dark so you can get that from shady areas outdoors. The Yang lets in the light. These will be the sunny areas of your property. Think about where natural light is let in, and where there is more natural darkness. While seats in shady spots are necessary, add a few lounge areas around your yard that are in the sun. It is all about balance.

The Commanding Position

The Commanding Position is the space farthest from the main door and out of the direct line of sight. In the commanding position, you can observe the entire area without being seen from the entrance. In a bedroom, this would be the bed, but outside this could be a jacuzzi, fire pit, or secret garden. Ancient Feng Shui principles say this allows that area to be optimized to receive positive energy and this space demands ultimate respect.

Define Boundaries

As you start sectioning your outdoor space, remember that Feng Shui is all about the flow of energy. Defined boundaries like pebble-lined paths and stepping stones will usher chi in and out of your space. Create curved walkways instead of straight paths for a smooth energy flow. 

Clear the Clutter

Keep the garden and outdoor areas clutter-free. Everything should have a home and nothing should be scattered. Unnecessary items block good things from coming your way. On an aesthetic level, trash and an unkempt garden are a peace mood-killer. 

Comfortable Rest Areas

The space where everyone will be most often should be the most comfortable and welcoming. Choose plush cushions for your outdoor patio. Select natural fabrics like cotton in earthy tones to blend in with the environment. Place furniture in the Commanding Position, where the view faces the garden. While people gather, they may move chairs and cushions, but always reset the seating to face pathways and doors for welcoming energy.

Cozy seating area for you and guests

Tranquil Landscaping

There is a reason tranquil landscaping is a top garden trend. When done right, calmness should overwhelm you and your guests as you enter your lavish outdoor escape. Achieving a Feng Shui garden should be simple and minimalistic. Keep tall plants in the back of the space and short plants in the front to add depth. Bamboo can easily grow in the U.S. and is perfect for that picture-perfect zen garden, but consider using native plants for low-effort gardening that will stay beautiful year-round.

Florida native plants to use for your Feng Shui garden:

  • Cypress Trees
  • Chickasaw Plum
  • Coontie
  • Coral Bean
  • Fakahatchee Grass
  • Saw Palmetto
  • Star Anise
  • Yucca

Maintain a trimmed lawn and cut off leaves from plants that dried up. Be exclusive with your flowers’ color palette. Warm, bright colors bring life to a room according to Feng Shui, and specifically, the color red beacons wealth and luck. 

Water Features

What would an outdoor retreat be without a water fountain or small pond? The sound of running water is one of the most stress-reducing noises and is easily achievable. Many homeowners choose a lavish water fountain, but a natural pond is perfect for the Florida backyard retreat. Natural ponds should blend into your yard, and once integrated into your yard’s ecosystem, it will invite wildlife like frogs and birds. 

Beautiful, natural small pond

Pest-Free Retreat

Bugs are a natural part of the outdoors but you can control which bugs are in your yard. Mosquito control in Florida can be easy with pumped water features, but if water pools up somewhere, dump it. Mosquitoes breed in still water, so keeping water moving in gardens is a must. You can also plant herbs like lavender, rosemary, and peppermint to keep pests away since most bugs hate those smells. 

Some pest control even comes in the form of small red shells with spots. Lady bugs are beneficial insects to release in your garden. They act as tiny yard soldiers that eat up all the plant-destroying aphids.

Ambiance with Light and Sound

Install mood lighting outside to create an inviting space. Soft and warm-toned lights are preferred, especially at night since they aren’t so bright and striking. Hang string lights around the fence or from the roof of an awning. Don’t forget to light the pathways.

Solar-powered lights are perfect to guide energy in the darkness and offer a sense of safety to travelers on the path.

Be in tune with the nature in your yard to create your peaceful garden soundtrack. Bird houses and feeders, along with native flowers, will attract chirping birds and other critters. Wooden wind chimes can balance those sharp chirps, and the sound of water in the distance will round the song out.

Ambient lighting for your backyard

Garden Art and Sculptures

The placement of sculptures and garden art must be intentional when designing your outdoor space with Feng Shui. Depending on the statue or sculpture, it will have a correct position in your garden according to the Bagua map. For example, a dragon in a north or east corner attracts success. A laughing Buddha facing the rising sun will reinforce positive energies and increase wealth opportunities.

Ultimately, you are creating a relaxing space to cultivate positive energy but don’t forget to add a touch of your personality. Even incorporating just one of these Feng Shui principles into your outdoor retreat will balance the energies of your space and offer a sense of grace and tranquility.


Article by Gina Thompson, an experienced multimedia journalist, producer, and content writer born and raised in Texas. In her spare time, she loves catching a live band, dancing, and finding the next big taco spot. As a writer, she is passionate about making a positive impact on her community by elevating the voices and stories that need to be heard.